Welcome to the group page of Professor Mark Gordon! The main research interests of the group can be divided in between theory development and application of quantum chemical methods to interesting problems. Applictions in the Gordon group cover bonding analysis, excited state chemistry, heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis, explicit solvent methods, among others. Go to group research for more information. The GAMESS team works towards the Exascale Computing Project, that aims to enable quantum chemistry to run at 10^18 operations per second.
The development branch of GAMESS is on Github. Visit the Developers page for more information on how to get access to the source code.
MacMolPlot Version 7.7 is available for Mac OS X, Linux and Windows. MacMolPlot is the visualization software every GAMESS user should use!
A simple batch job manager for desktop platforms named GamessQ is available for OS X, Windows, or Linux desktops
Science does not care what you believe.